New Year’s Eve brings us a lot of joy, anticipation of the future and a lot of resolutions too. Some we keep up to and some fail. So, let’s talk about some resolution that can be kept this New Year 2017!
- 1. You Are What You Eat.This phrase says it all. We are what we eat so let’s bring a change in our eating regime. It’s a slow progress and gradually will show its impact. So take baby steps and embrace the change.
- 2. A book is a gift you can open again and again.Read more and watch less TV. This is one difficult resolution but definitely worth it. Books take us to a different dimension altogether.
- 3. You’re stronger than you think.our weight loss game should always be on point because we are stronger than our weaknesses and we get stronger everyday! The struggle is real and so is weight loss.
- 4. ‘To travel is to live’.Yes, it is. The more you travel the more you quench our soul with adventure. Breath new place and see new sights.
- 5. Make a fur-friend.To have a dog in our life we don’t always need to bring them home or even if you’ve a dog, try feeding a stray every once ina a week. Its called paw-therapy and it does wonders.
- 6. Family: an anchor during rough waters.Like the phrase, we all know that no matter how high we fly, we have to come back to our nest at the end of the day. Spending time with family is one resolution.
- 7. It’s not about how much money you make it’s about how much you save.Saving can be a real struggle in adulthood. And with every penny earned one must learn to save the most of it.
- 8. Smoking doesn’t make you cool, sorry! Quit it, in plain simple words; quit smoking for yourself and people you love.
- 9. Charity should begin from at home, but should not stay there.No one ever became poor by donating and giving. Volunteer and donate often. Helps yourself more than others.
- 10. Learn a new language get a new soul. A new language unlocks door of wonders and opportunities, so let’s get learning!